EIGENLICHT Backgrounds - Part 1

EIGENLICHT is an RPG I've been working on for the past few months mostly fruitlessly until, in a weird fit of creative inspiration, I've suddenly found myself actually putting work into it.  For a simple summary of the rules:
  • 2d6 vs DC (6/8/10 are typical), with +1 or +2 depending on the applicability of character backgrounds. Examples are given but players and GM are expected to kinda adjudicate this FKR style; if it makes sense that you'd get a bonus, you get a bonus depending on how good you are at something.
  • Backgrounds include both humans and androids, reflecting 
  • Combat is quick and lethal. Heavy weapons have a chance to instantly kill (theres no HP, just a track of if you're Healthy, Wounded, Incapacitated, or Dead). Survival is based mostly on staying in cover, or not getting into a fight in the first place.
  • Psychic powers are available to psyker characters, and many PCs will start with cybernetic augmentations.

The following are the first 6 of the d66 table of backgrounds I've done. They're ordered in the order I worked on them. I've not currently got ideas for a solid chunk of backgrounds sadly, but hopefully doing this will give me ideas on what to do after I finish the ones I have!

 I hope you enjoy! 


  1. These are very cool... I love the kabbalistic influences and the collage, so incredible you're going to have a full 66 of them! If you put a rules reference out I would love to do a playtest, it sounds very fun!


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