053.007 - Lair; Brigands: Nehushtanites

The brigands here are a band of Nehushtanites; Chaotic worshippers of the Brazen Serpent. 160 of them lair here. 64 light foot, 40 short bows, 40 light cavalry, 36 medium cavalry. Their people lived here before the Churonians came, descended from ancient explorers from shattered lands.

They are led by Avd-Ophiziar, 9th level Fighting-man. He wields a *warhammer +2*, and wears *heavy armour +1*, both made of enchanted bronze. His weapon is a sign of his duty as leader of his people.

Three 5th-level Fighting-men act as Avd-Ophiziar's lieutenants. One has a *shield +1*, covered in her dead gods. Another has a wave-bladed *sword +1*. All three wear chain under surcoats depicting the Serpent.

The "lair" is comprised of various shacks, houses, a hall. A simple town.


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